Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Development Quick Start Guide

Hand-on guide for developing solutions with Dynamics 365 Business Central and the new Modern Development Environment.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is the new SaaS ERP proposition from Microsoft. This book is an ideal guide to Dynamics 365 Business Central developers and will help you get started with implementing and designing solutions for real-world scenarios.

This book will take you through the fundamental topics for implementing solutions based on Dynamics 365 Business Central (on-premise and SaaS). We’ll see the core topics of the new development model (based on extensions) and we’ll see how to create applications with the new Microsoft ERP proposition.

The book begins by explaining the basics of Dynamics 365 Business Central and the Microsoft ERP proposition. Then it covers topics such as extensions, the new modern development model with Visual studio code and the AL language, sandboxes (cloud and on-premise), Docker, and many other advanced topics like integrations and serverless processing.

By the end of the book, you will have learned how to create, debug and deploy extensions to the cloud and on-premise (from 0 to AppSource). You will also have learned how to create serverless business processes for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.